All of our orders are shipped internationally from our warehouse in Mumbai, India to your provided shipping address. Due to the nature of international shipping, occasionally a customer may have to pay additional import duties and taxes which are levied once a shipment reaches your country.
Please note any customs or import duties charged once the order reaches the destination country must be paid by the recipient of the order. Unfortunately we do not have any control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies vary widely from country to country. It might be a good idea to contact your local customs office for current charges before you order, so you are not surprised by the charges you were not expecting.
To make your shopping experience as simple as possible, we have arranged for FedEx/DHL OR any similar shipping agents as we may fit deem for your destination country, to customs clear your goods and deliver them to your doorstep. We try to ensure that no additional duties or taxes will be charged. However as these vary from country to country, they cannot be predicted and so any customs charges and/or handling fees charged by the courier company will be the buyer’s responsibility.
No-Mad will also not be held responsible for any delays caused by destination customs clearance process. We do not take any responsibility for non-delivery of orders in case such taxes and duties are not accepted and settled by the recipient at the delivery address, and will not provide any refunds in such cases.